In the green pill app mediation will play a major role in helping you everyday. Our app will make mediation easy and enjoyable without hassle, you can set a reminder everyday as many times as you like and at anytime to notify you. We provide all the information you need to find a peaceful flow state between your mind and body with our guided meditation hand selected sounds and wide choice of variations.

five black rocks
five black rocks

Here to help you make the leap into the cold and reconnect to the unstimulated parts of the brain and body. We provide a step by step guide making it easy to understand and building you up slowing. As well as reminders you set to keep you on track making you feel your best everyday. You might be thinking what is all the hype about cold exposure, well many studies have shown the benefits, it stimulates your vascular system reducing stress on your heart as your 70 000 mile is optimized as it is the most activated by cold exposure.

icebergs floating on body of water during daytime
icebergs floating on body of water during daytime

My fitness routine includes a variety of workouts to keep me active and healthy. I engage in calisthenics exercises, use weights for strength training, and also incorporate home workouts into my schedule. Moreover, I love to swim and go for runs to improve my cardiovascular health and overall endurance. These activities not only help me stay in shape but also provide a great way to destress and rejuvenate. I believe in the importance of a well-rounded exercise routine that targets different muscle groups and keeps the body challenged. By combining various forms of cardio and exercise, I am able to enjoy a diverse range of physical activities that contribute to my overall well-being. And as exercise as played such a major role in improving my life. Green pill will making exercise easy with suggests logs and information to help you.

silhouette on man on mountain
silhouette on man on mountain
Tummo breathing

Tummo breathing is a technique derived from ancient Tibetan practices that focuses on generating inner heat within the body. Through specific breathing exercises, practitioners aim to control their body temperature and increase their body's natural energy. This practice is often used in meditation and yoga to cultivate a deep sense of physical and mental well-being. Tummo breathing involves a combination of deep inhalations and forceful exhalations, along with visualization techniques. By directing their breath and energy towards the body's core, practitioners can awaken their inner fire and experience heightened sensations of warmth and vitality. This ancient technique requires dedication and practice to master, but the potential benefits include improved immune function, stress reduction, and enhanced focus and concentration.

a man standing on a dock in front of a lake
a man standing on a dock in front of a lake

Its a confusing world we live in with so many different diets, it feels like everyday something we thought was heathy isn't. Green pill is here to clear the confusion make food and diets simple again without hassle and here to help you lose gain or sustain your weight with information from the professionals and meal plans and suggestions.

assorted fruits at the market
assorted fruits at the market

It might seem boring and unimportant but due to the lives we live and the position we are in our body place more and less stress on different ligaments and muscles leading to stiffness and aching. A bit of stretching regular can have an enormous benefit. Our app will make it simple and easy and you show where you have the problems and we will suggest stretch's to help.

man in black shorts standing on brown grass during daytime
man in black shorts standing on brown grass during daytime

Its a confusing world we live in with so many different diets, it feels like everyday something we thought was heathy isn't. Green pill is here to clear the confusion make food and diets simple again without hassle and here to help you lose gain or sustain your weight with information from the professionals and meal plans and suggestions.

koala bear sleeping on tree
koala bear sleeping on tree

Yoga is truly remarkable in its ability to enhance both the body and mind. Through a harmonious combination of physical postures, breath control, and meditation, it offers a multitude of benefits. Practicing yoga helps in improving flexibility, strength, and balance while simultaneously reducing stress and calming the mind. It promotes a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace, allowing individuals to connect with their inner self. The regular practice of yoga also improves posture. Do not be put off from beginning

silhouette of person standing on seashore during sunset
silhouette of person standing on seashore during sunset